Make Ubuntu 11.04 Work For You

I recommend these two posts at Tech Drive-in-Technology,Linux,Ubuntu FTW by Manuel Jose to set you straight with Ubuntu 11.04 and the Unity Desktop. If you want to check what else you can add to the default applications in Ubuntu 11.04 this is the list you should check.

I f you just installed Ubuntu in your hard drive, there’s no excuse in neglecting to update your repositories and check whatever updates are being offered. I have been using Ubuntu (natty narwhal) and downloading the updates for April 28 means I’m set. The only unique must-do for me is installing dconf-tools to edit the unity panel’s list of application allowed in the appindicator or systray. Having noted that, don’t forget to get Compiz Configuration Settings Manager CCSM because it has the new Unity plug-in which can make your life easier.

I still encounter questions about partitioning AFTER users install Ubuntu. If you downloaded Ubuntu and burned it in a CD or USB stick, there’s an application included there called Gparted. Gparted is my lifesaver when I need to move things around in my hard drive. So use that. I really recommend you do partitioning BEFORE you start installation though. In fact I recommend a separate /home partition created, formatted and waiting to be mounted before you start installation. It makes installation uncomplicated if you break it down to small pieces. Partitioning before installing also means you don’t have to mess with fstab just the advance method option in the installer. Just remember which partition! In any case, if you yourself did the partitioning, you will remember.

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