Covid Isn’t Gone Yet

The Omicron variant is a fast spreader. Experts agree that it is a concern even if some of them think its symptoms are more manageable compared to the delta variant. Surges are occuring in Europe and the United States. when we got vaccinated fully the community thought that Covid is now behind us. New cases are in its lowest and the reproductive rate is less than 1 in all regions of the country. Or the other scenario is that this is a lull in the war, a temporary quiet period of sort.

I just finished a zoom meeting with QNE software. I am trying to find out if there’s help for small businesses in the rental concern about accounting systems and Tax report generation to the BIR. What I got is a basic accounting introduction using their software. I want to get help in reporting my income and taxes to the BIR.

A Cut To Debian Bullseye Upgrade

My Asus laptop is a backup to my desktop Ubuntu workhorse. It has been running debian buster for a while now and I found time to upgrade it today in fact this evening after work. I thought it’s going to be a 2, 3 hour download and then buster to bullseye.

So I updated buster first. That’s #apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.

To upgrade to debian 11 – bullseye i have to edit /etc/apt/source.list. This edit is a matter of changing “buster” instances in the text to “bullseye”. I was prompted to also change “buster-xx” to bullseye-security. Nice catch there. This will point me to the upgrade mirrors.

Then I issued the command: #apt update. This will update the index to the new mirrors.

Then I typed: #apt upgrade. This will download the minimal packages.

Then to take that leap to debian 11 I typed: #apt full-upgrade. This is the main upgrade process.

All the while my laptop kept sleeping and I try to catch it by disturbing the mouse pad. But at some crucial part I fell asleep. By the morning, I started the laptop to find that I can boot the operating system but I can’t login. Somehow the user account is not working after the upgrade. I really don’t have time for this bulls*t. So I got my hands on a usb stick and dowloaded debian 11 via transmission. Done after 2 minutes. I used the startup application to make myself a bootable stick of debian 11.

I restart the Asus laptop and interrupted POST using the delete key. I boot the usb stick with debian 11. I installed debian using the straightforward way. In the course of the install I encrypted the hard drive. I finished the install by logging in to gnome. I opened the terminal and installed libreoffice.

I did the install by the root account. #su root. Since I installed it I know the root password. The sudo command doesn’t recognize me (user). I have to edit sudoers file. This is for the next blog though.