New Theme Installed

I got to the point when all the application I needed to do my work is in place. Arch linux with GNOME is ready for some alternative look. Formerly I have drakfire but I was looking for a light theme. But before I install a theme I downloaded faenza icons and its themes from deviant-art site.

Using the Gnome-tweak-tool (installed beforehand) I went to the Gnome-extensions site and enable the User-theme extension.

Then I downloaded the Faenza icons and extracted it to the ~/.icons directory. I then switched the icon selector in gnome-tweak-tool to faenza.

This is the icons as it appears in the dash-applications.

This is the alternate wallpaper I switched to. Elementary theme for the Gnome-shell. I also have the system-monitor applet in the panel.(via AUR)

I figured I should have a dark theme (Adwaita) and the light theme (Elementary). Great job for the GNOME people – GNOME 3.4.x

A Call To Arms

In the eve (very nearly the eve) of the launch of Windows 8, Canonical releases the latest Ubuntu version. In its homepage is splashed “AVOID THE PAIN OF WINDOWS 8′. It is akin to a war cry like the ones bellowed out when two armies faced each other in the field before contact.

Larry the Free Software Guy issues a call to donate the price of Windows 8 to the Linux distro of your choice. (or to any free software project) This is in his Larry the Free Software blog titled “No Thanks. I Got Linux”