Ubuntu 14.04 Released – April 17 2014

Hi Reese

I checked twitter and Ubuntu 14.04 is released.

I clicked the download page and found the bittorrent file. I started downloading at 11:45 pm local time. The Update-Manager is not returning a positive for a new version yet. Which only means that the local server in the Philippines has not been updated for the new image. bummer!

So here is what I’ll do.

I am going to wait for the Update-manager to register positive and upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 as soon as it is available here. I am continuing to download the image through bittorrent to my downloads partition. I check the size. It’s 1.02 GB, too big for my old 1 GB USB. I have to purchase a new one because a bootable Ubuntu image in a USB stick is a very good idea. Believe me.