Installing Your Own Operating System

The discovery that Lenovo pre-installs adware which allows man-in-the-middle attacks on unsuspecting users of its best selling pc and laptops is a very good reason to learn and try installing your own operating system on your machines. May I suggest that a new paradigm for general computer users should be to install your own operating system.

Most manufacturers pre-install Windows operating systems on their machines. They get financial incentives to do this and more. They get paid by advertising companies to install so called crapware — software you don’t need and will never use.

If you install your own operating system you get the assurance that these unwanted software won’t be messing with your computer security. Learning to install something like Ubuntu or any Linux distro gives you control and independence.


Saying goodbye is hard.
It’s easier to just say it and let words flow into tears.
Goodbye. Let it flow into many emotions.
You’ve come to drink from his well. I accept.
And waived my quiet protest. You smile.
Everyone agrees to keep it short. I pray
The choir keeps singing to your guitar
Until my cheeks are dry
and their voices thin out.
Sunsets are now worth talking about,
now that I see your long shadow. You
are not lost like a tree in the forest.
I can see your shining face.
I will come and visit that forest to find
You standing next to me when I’m gone.

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