paccache And Cleaning the Pacman Cache

I’m trying to clean the cache with paccache but i get a not found error. Suddenly I’ve lost my paccache? what?

Pacman stores packages in /var/cache/pacman/pkg. So to keep this directory from growing indefinitely we need to shed some of the oldest packages. By default paccache -r will leave 3 versions of the packages.

Yesterday’s pacman upgrade left out pacman-contrib package. So I had to download it today with:
# pacman -S pacman-contrib ##to download these tools.

# paccache -ruk0 && paccache -rk 2 ##to remove unneeded package cache and leave 2 versions of each package cache

This also solves my GNOME extension Arch update indicator error.

Drawn With Wacom Bamboo Pen and Tablet

Wacom Bamboo CTL 471 is a USB cable connected graphics pen and tablet that works with Windows 10. Does it work with linux?

I’m using Arch linux with GNOME and Wayland. That last bit of information is important because Wacom doesn’t work well with wayland but it does work well with Xorg. Fortunately, GNOME can still be run on xorg and you can login to another session using xorg.

I ordered this from Lazada today. It came with 10 extra nibs and a screen cover.