openSUSE 13.2 Using B tree fs (btrfs) and Xfs

I finally finished downloading the 4.7 GB "DVD" version of the Installer Image for openSUSE 13.2. I downloaded this install medium through torrent thankfully. After burning it to my usb stick ( not sure if the blank DVD with me could be suitable ) I booted to the polished green openSUSE installer. The installation was smooth except when it was time to configure the hard disks. Sorry it’s my first time to use their user interface. I had to read everything just to make sure what I want to happen IS what’s happening or about to happen.

In any case i want to leave most of the defaults enabled. I used btrfs for the systems files and Xfs for the data files (/home). Don’t worry the installer will tell you if there’s a fatal error in the configuration, which makes the openSUSE installer better than the fedora installer (anaconda).

The point in using the "DVD" installation medium is there’s not much else to download during the installation because it’s all in there to be copied to your drive disks. Once installed all the proprietary codecs and adobe flashplayer works. I can play youtube while I configure my online accounts. Yay!

I accepted the 40+ GB btrfs offered by the installer for my / and also accepted the /boot/efi partition to be created. The new ASUS motherboard I have has secure boot enabled. I want to make sure I can boot this. I have 140+ GB left in my SSD and two other hard drives totalling 2.9 TB, I want to give to my home partition. I did some long trial and error process right here because I want to explicitly have it in a RAID0 only configuration. No need to degrade write/read speeds with a RAID1 setup.

Focus on the / and /home directory here. The rest are automatically created by the installer. Special mention here is the /.snapshots directory because if snapshots of the systems are made, it will be saved here.

openSUSE has GNOME 3.14 and linux kernel 3.16.x.