New Computer

I have a new desktop computer. It’s an Intel i5-4590 Quad Core, Asus Z97-K motherboard Personal Computer. I installed a 16 GB (2×8 Kingston HyperX sticks) RAM. I chose the Crucial 240 GB SSD for storage. Additionally, I purchased a 2 TB Seagate SATA 6 hard drive for media. The casing is black and lighter than the old one I have back in 2008. The casing is paired with a 730 watt power supply.

I recycled the dvd player and card reader from my old rig.

I thought the old 1 TB Seagate hard drive is finished but after reformatting, it passed the test. It’s still okay.

I installed fedora 20 on the boot device. I’m updating the system now.

output of the lsblk -f command for this computer.

I decided to encrypt the whole device after opting for an LVM.

I’m using the Linux kernel 3.16.6 coming from the updates channel in fedora 20.

Gnucash: Bug in jqplot Used in Graphics

Gnucash2.6.4 in Fedora 20 date: 2014-10-2

Fedora 20 decided to update their repository to this version of Gnucash. One of the most powerful feature of Gnucash is it is very easy to generate graphics from the numbers. However the new version uses a new jqplot to render the graphics and there’s a bug.

It’s Ubuntu Day

10 years ago, on October 2004, a group of open source developers released a Linux distribution based on Debian. They named their first release ‘warthy warthog’ which is Ubuntu 4.10.

The direction they took breaks the common myths about Linux back in 2004. Ubuntu became known as the most user-friendly distro in the Linux world. It is easy to install, easy to use and has a
supportive community for new end-users.

Linux for humans. Happy Ubuntu Day.

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five

I finished reading Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five. I first learned or heard about Slaughterhouse-five from Jessica Zafra’s radio program in the late 90s. I surmised that she loves the novel because she often mentions it. Ms. Zafra is an author herself and was the manager for the band Eraserheads. Due to the easy access to e-books nowadays, I decided to download Kurt Vonnegut this past week. I downloaded it using bittorrent along with a number of Kurt Vonnegut’s other works. Mr. Vonnegut himself said that Slaughterhouse-five is a loser and promised that his next works won’t be.

Slaughterhouse-five is the author’s personal experience as told by him in his own words and style, when he was a prisoner of war in Germany in the second world war. He would later write about his captivity and the bombing of Dresden where he and other prisoners of war spent the rest of the war in Europe. Slaughterhouse-five is an anti-war war novel. The writer who is also the main character is a soldier, an infantry man, a private. He saw the barbaric nature of war. He experienced the senseless killing of civilians and the destruction of a city that has no military value. He saw the effects of mass bombing by hundreds of planes concentrated on a city of 100,000 people.

I watched a Youtube clip of Mr. Vonnegut speaking before university students and faculty about the war. That it was senseless, he explains that it benefited no one except himself because he earned from the experience by writing about it and selling books. He came out and stated the obvious: that he made money from the sufferings of others when he wrote this book.

Slaughterhouse-five is an honest book about the horrors of war. It was written in parody and in a comical style that does not abuse the subject. The author would write in two or three paragraphs in non-linear story telling depicting the effect of an event of such shock to the soul and morals that it splinters the character experiencing it.

The author’s father asked him why he doesn’t have a villain in his books. He said that he doesn’t have villains in his books and he also doesn’t have heroes either. He said that this book in particular would not sell because of it.

He mentioned two names to thank in his book. First to the wife of his friend and co-prisoner in Dresden and then to the German taxi driver who drove him around Dresden after the war. His friend’s wife did not approve of the usual books on war and he promised her that this book will not be the usual. The taxi driver was a young man during the war whose mother was incinerated during the bombing of Dresden.

Some people believe that people are resilient. They believe that man survives against great odds. This book says we pay a price for war even the victors.

Installed openSuse 13.2

Hi Reese

I installed openSuse 13.2-rc1 on my local storage today. I have deleted Fedora 20 and now configuring openSuse.I had wanted to test it for a week but after getting through the initial bump of creating a partition and using btrfs and zfs as file systems for the install, I proceeded with the installation.

Partitioning With Gparted

Hard drives being prepared for new mounting.

I have partitions here that were beginning to be filled. I removed the partition that I can live without and shared the free space to the two partitions which needed them. I used Gparted to the moving and resizing. First, unmount the partitions. Then delete the unwanted partition. The free space are shared to the remaining partitions using a gui. Nothing to it.

Once satisfied, you start the operations. It would take at least 8 hours to do this so I prepared some time wasting activities. Games anyone?

Finding My Way Around Fedora 20

GNOME 3.12 is the latest stable release from GNOME DEVS. They’re coming out with GNOME 3.14 any day now but that won’t make it to any major distribution out there. Not for about a month, I guess.

I am using GNOME 3.10 with Fedora 20 and I am happy with it. Evolution is working with my accounts configured from the online accounts. When I had to add an account (eg zoho) it was a breeze. My initial install updated to the latest Firefox which came out a few weeks ago. Yum Updates installed the latest Linux kernel which is 3.16.x. When I checked if I had the patched bash package, I indeed have the bug-free version now. So I don’t have a problem with my Fedora.

I had to install Gnucash which is not part of the default application for Fedora 20. I had to enable several repositories for flash, codecs, dropbox and google chrome. But I was surprised that updates were light compared to Ubuntu. I mean Fedora 20 came out December 2013 and I am installing it October 2014, that’s 9 months after it was released. I was expecting a ton of updates. The updates were there but it was "light". I later will learn that Fedora’s yum (yellowdog update manager) uses diff method which only downloads and installs the delta code and not the entire package. That makes perfect sense to me. And it works.

What were the things that nearly blindsided me? Well, I tried searching for my gnupg keys via Password And Keys (seahorse) but it failed to fetch the keys from the servers. I don’t know why. There’s no error notification or anything. I was ready to try cli but I remember that I have downloaded mykey.gpg and saved it somewhere. When I pointed seahorse to that local file, it imported the keys perfectly.