Installed openSuse 13.2

Hi Reese

I installed openSuse 13.2-rc1 on my local storage today. I have deleted Fedora 20 and now configuring openSuse.I had wanted to test it for a week but after getting through the initial bump of creating a partition and using btrfs and zfs as file systems for the install, I proceeded with the installation.

Partitioning With Gparted

Hard drives being prepared for new mounting.

I have partitions here that were beginning to be filled. I removed the partition that I can live without and shared the free space to the two partitions which needed them. I used Gparted to the moving and resizing. First, unmount the partitions. Then delete the unwanted partition. The free space are shared to the remaining partitions using a gui. Nothing to it.

Once satisfied, you start the operations. It would take at least 8 hours to do this so I prepared some time wasting activities. Games anyone?

Finding My Way Around Fedora 20

GNOME 3.12 is the latest stable release from GNOME DEVS. They’re coming out with GNOME 3.14 any day now but that won’t make it to any major distribution out there. Not for about a month, I guess.

I am using GNOME 3.10 with Fedora 20 and I am happy with it. Evolution is working with my accounts configured from the online accounts. When I had to add an account (eg zoho) it was a breeze. My initial install updated to the latest Firefox which came out a few weeks ago. Yum Updates installed the latest Linux kernel which is 3.16.x. When I checked if I had the patched bash package, I indeed have the bug-free version now. So I don’t have a problem with my Fedora.

I had to install Gnucash which is not part of the default application for Fedora 20. I had to enable several repositories for flash, codecs, dropbox and google chrome. But I was surprised that updates were light compared to Ubuntu. I mean Fedora 20 came out December 2013 and I am installing it October 2014, that’s 9 months after it was released. I was expecting a ton of updates. The updates were there but it was "light". I later will learn that Fedora’s yum (yellowdog update manager) uses diff method which only downloads and installs the delta code and not the entire package. That makes perfect sense to me. And it works.

What were the things that nearly blindsided me? Well, I tried searching for my gnupg keys via Password And Keys (seahorse) but it failed to fetch the keys from the servers. I don’t know why. There’s no error notification or anything. I was ready to try cli but I remember that I have downloaded mykey.gpg and saved it somewhere. When I pointed seahorse to that local file, it imported the keys perfectly.

Fedora 20 Installed

I went ahead and installed Fedora 20 on an old machine circa 2007.
This desktop computer has dual core intel and 2 GB RAM.

It’s been a while since I’ve tried Fedora again, but I keep getting good feedback from friends using it. I’m a GNOME fan so I can’t stay away from a distribution whose default desktop is GNOME.

The last time i tried GNOME in Fedora I was disappointed with Evolution. I got Evolution up and running my Gmail now. I have contacts and calendar automatically from online accounts.

Gnucash and LibreOffice are a must have for my tasks.

Gnome 3.14 was released today. If it makes it to Fedora 21 that’s coming out December, I surely will upgrade this machine to the newest.

Tropical Storm Mario Brings Heavy Rains

I woke up around 2:00AM to the pummeling of falling rain on tin roof. Our compound of roughly low two-story houses with uniformly tin roof sat beside the San Mateo- Marikina river. The rain continued for about 35 minutes. I glanced at the weather app on my computer. It said that precipitation should be 17.7mm. It’s certainly above that estimate.

M. Roger, my carpenter, his wife and grand daughter were knocking on the door by daylight. Their house is on a strip of land overlooking the river. They need a shelter from the water that’s rising up to their first floor now. I gave the key to a vacant room for rent I designated R1. M Roger just finished painting that space several weeks ago. I haven’t closed to let R1 to tenants yet. I was hoping that this will be the week. It looks like I’m going to have to give it to him.

The national government declared no offices today after the streets of Manila became rivers. I guess today all of Manila overlooks the Pasig. Nothing is dry.

Password Leaks

Logins and passwords were leaked. An estimated 3 million users were affected. The good news was that most of the logins were three years old.

The LastPass Blog came out with an interesting analysis of the data set leaked. It’s still the same problem with too short and too simple a password. People are still using the same weak password for many websites.

Use lower case letters, use numbers, use symbols. Make your passwords at least 14 characters. The longer the better.

Don’t reuse passwords.

How To De-Stress Your Subscriber

Dear PLDT Home

It has been 24 days since I applied and paid for your ULTERA wireless offering. Since then I have personally gone to your sales office to inquire the status of my application. I have sent tweets to @pldt_cares and to their defense they have replied in two occasions. One of your support people even called to tell me that they have my payment and asked me what particular plan I want. But that was 13 days ago.

Since then I have been trying to justify the long wait for the install crew to show up and start my upgrade to this plan. Could they have gotten my address wrong? What’s the hold up here? I mean install crews shouldn’t just appear in the right house, the owners, the subscriber has got to be present. Imagine if the tech guys find the house and the only ones answering is bantay and muning.

Then today I received a very thoughtful email from you. The subject of the email is "Health & Fitness Program For Your Computer". How to de-stress your computer by deframentation

I don’t defragment my computer because I use the ext file system in linux. Yes I use Ubuntu linux. No need to deframent and no need for anti-virus programs. No stress. Sad to say that the only stress I get is waiting for your install crew.

When can I expect them to turn up by the way?